Bear Training Rides to start in January!

Randy Profeta, our Ride Coordinator, is planning to run training rides for OCW's Ride Around the Bear Century in January.   These rides are run for both OCW and BCI members and are a great way to kick your riding up a notch.

GMR, Mt. Baldy, Crystal Lake, Damnation Alley, Pacific Island Drive, Ridge Park - get ready for some epic climbs and spectacular scenery.   Randy also shares his thoughts and experience on training, nutrition, hydration, pacing and more!   

At the start of 2015, the Ride Around the Bear was not even on my radar, yet there I was at Sylvan Park before dawn on the first Saturday in June, not quite sure what I was in for. I couldn't have made it without Randy's training rides.  Check back here for more details soon! - Jim Norman