Mike Farrell & Peter Gerrard—Two Rider Mishaps

On Saturday, July 30, Mike Farrell fell while riding on a BCI ride. His front wheel hit the curb as he pushed off after waiting for the light to turn green. A fellow BCI rider was there to help him up and he continued riding another eight miles to the rest stop. When others saw his bruises, he was encouraged to get to the hospital and was taken by ambulance to the ER. His ribs hurt but fortunately, x-rays showed no broken bones.
(and he was back on his bike with BCI Sunday - the very next day!)

Peter Gerrard was so kind to ride home and return to the rest stop with his car to take Mike’s bike back to Mike’s car at Deerfield Park. After returning home, he decided to ride a few more miles. While riding around a curve before an underpass, Peter crashed, hitting the wire fence and metal post. He also ended up at the hospital and was kept overnight for observation as he felt a lot of pain in his femur. He cracked a few ribs but the leg is just bruised and battered. Black and blue are his new team colors.

Thankfully, both of you are in one piece! We hope your bruises and injuries heal quickly and you both are back on your bicycles soon!