Dave Marino

At the beginning of December, Dave Marino (BCI#1608 - since 1991?) had a sudden onset of arthritis in both of his knees. The pain got to the point that he could barely walk. He has not been riding as it is too dangerous to stop and start at intersections.

Kaiser surgical has recommended replacement of both knees. He is getting around with a cane, although he can perform most household tasks (slowly) and has started back at the gym a few times a week to get a little exercise. He does not yet have a scheduled date for the surgery.

Dave reflects,
maybe after a quarter of a million bike miles some knees just wear out. I did get 142 thousand miles out of my right knee in which I blew out the ACL 22 years ago.

Dave has been BCI’s top mileage rider of the year multiple times. We send our well wishes for healing and riding with us again!