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General Membership Meeting

  • IRWD Community Room Sand Canyon Professional Center 15500 Sand Canyon Ave, Irvine (map)

Public are welcome

Guest Speaker / Program:

Do It Yourself Bicycle Touring

See the United States or the World from the seat of your bike.

Richard Sheff will talk about the joy’s of ‘credit card camping’ with clean beds & meals served. He is experienced in pulling together small group tours, lodging, and ‘sagging’ you luggage to keep your road bike light.

Richard entertained us with tales of the things he has learned from his mistakes

Richard entertained us with tales of the things he has learned from his mistakes

Clean indoors & beds - light bikes 

Clean indoors & beds - light bikes 

Sharing a rental SAG van...

Sharing a rental SAG van...

Ride Coordinator Norm Moyer, along with Doug Peterson will share the adventure and preparation of taking everything with you on a fully loaded self contained tour.

Norm challenged us to expand our comfort zone - He and BCI Club members Patty & John Hoskins & Richard Vallens plan to pull out on a train to Fontana latter this week to start riding east on HWY 66 for several weeks!


Everything on bikes; tents, beds, kitchen

Everything on bikes; tents, beds, kitchen

Sharing good times & cooking outdoors!

Sharing good times & cooking outdoors!

Norm challenged us to expand our comfort zone - He and BCI Club members Patty & John Hoskins & Richard Vallens plan to pull out on a train to Fontana latter this week to start riding east on HWY 66 ... for several weeks!

Norm challenged us to expand our comfort zone - He and BCI Club members Patty & John Hoskins & Richard Vallens plan to pull out on a train to Fontana latter this week to start riding east on HWY 66 ... for several weeks!

Slide Show: Doug Peterson had a brief slide show -
1: Expect to carry a load - photo of 8 jugs loaded on a bike - after delivery the bike is ridden back for more...
2: More conventional bike loading
3: Camping does not have to be uncomfortable - if a truck is hauling some of your gear, chairs are nice!
4: As a "Minimalist" you can forgo the poles...
5: Enjoy the local culture -
6: Laundry can be done in camp...
7: Be prepared to do emergency repairs
8: Do enjoy the world as no one in a vehicle can. 

Secretary Bob McHenry showed some of his economical modifications to an old hard tale ATB that is now his touring bike.

Secretary Bob McHenry showed some of his economical modifications to an old hard tale ATB that is now his touring bike.

Here are a few pictures to get you thinking about touring...


Refreshments were served.
Disclaimer: The Irvine Ranch Water District neither supports nor endorses the cause nor activities or organizations which use the District's meeting rooms that are made available as a public service. 

    Earlier Event: April 12
    Tuesday Ride
    Later Event: April 13
    Fashion Island Meetup