Club Essentials we can all remember to use...

Often the club spreads out after a few miles and we all get to ride as solo riders, but when we start we have an impressive peloton and really need to learn some club riding techniques. We are a non-racing club, but when riding in a peloton, even as a recreational club, the group needs to take some responsibility for the rest of the riders. If you are out front, please take the front leadership responsibilities. (including lane control, calling out turns, slowing/stopping, “singling up” or “doubling up”, and navigating hazards)
If you are in back, please take the leadership responsibilities from behind (including lane control, leading out a lane change from behind, calling out “move left’ or “lane clear” and calling out overtaking traffic.
Every member should take the free online CLUB ESSENTIALS course and learn to echo the signals and calls from the lead rider when in the middle of a pack.

I just took the online Club Essentials and learned a few things; I doubt anyone who takes it will not learn some great techniques and reminders…
I have some fresh material for the upcoming NewB class on July 29th!