"News Alerts" delivery issues

We send out a “News Alert” email every couple of weeks to highlight upcoming events and announce news. Several members have not gotten them for various reasons. Most obvious is if you change your email address and don’t update your membership record. There may be a simple typo in your address. If you accidentally clicked our email as ‘junk’ it may remember that for future emails. Look in your junk/spam inbox. Less obvious; some mail servers like Yahoo & iCloud scrub our email as spam, as it is sent to over 300 members and may not have all the certifications the receiver’s server requires. It may help to add our address bci@mail.tidyhq.com to your address book, but not always.
Plan B: If you still are not getting News Alerts - you might want to create a free Google account & give BCI that gmail address. You can set up the gmail address to forward the BCI mail to your preferred ‘real’ address.
If you are added to our ‘Rejection Blacklist’ we can try to remove you.
Why do email addresses get put on this list?
The email bounced and cannot be delivered, or the recipient marked the email as spam.
If you are not getting the News Alerts,
1: Check if your membership has expired (only sent to current BCI members),
2: Check if we have your correct email address,
3: Contact us to see if you are on our Rejection Blacklist,
4: Add bci@mail.tidyhq.com to your “known senders” and/or add it to your address book / contact list.
We are not sure, but it may be that you CAN receive emails only sent to you - like renewal notices, but the News Alerts going to 300 people triggers a ‘spam’ concern on your end…
Let us know if you don’t get Alerts but do get renewal and membership updates.